Based on the information in "Year–Round Schooling Helps Students, Teachers, and Families," which sentence BEST explains how a multi–track schedule benefits students?

They take shorter, more frequent breaks throughout the year.

In addition, students can advance when they are ready rather than waiting for a new school year to start.

Teachers can provide more attention to the students on their track.

Vacationing in the off–season also allows families to avoid high prices and large crowds.

A. They take shorter, more frequent breaks throughout the year.

A. They take shorter, more frequent breaks throughout the year.

To find the sentence that best explains how a multi-track schedule benefits students in "Year–Round Schooling Helps Students, Teachers, and Families," we need to analyze the information in the article. The article discusses the advantages of a year-round schooling system, which includes a multi-track schedule.

Option A states that students take shorter, more frequent breaks throughout the year. This aligns with the concept of the multi-track schedule, where students follow a schedule that involves a shorter break in between periods of instruction.

Option B focuses on students being able to advance when they are ready instead of waiting for a new school year to start. While this is an advantage of year-round schooling, it does not specifically highlight the benefits of a multi-track schedule.

Option C mentions teachers being able to provide more attention to students on their track. While this is a benefit of year-round schooling, it does not exclusively address the benefits of a multi-track schedule.

Option D discusses the advantages of vacationing in the off-season, which is not directly related to the benefits of a multi-track schedule in terms of student learning.

Therefore, the sentence that BEST explains how a multi-track schedule benefits students is option A: "They take shorter, more frequent breaks throughout the year." This aligns with the concept of a multi-track schedule where students have shorter breaks and more continuous learning throughout the year.