Use the chart to answer the question.

What type of governments do Country 1 and Country 2 have?

Both Country 1 and Country 2 have presidential democracies.

Both Country 1 and Country 2 have parliamentary democracies.

Country 1 is a presidential democracy and Country 2 is a parliamentary democracy.

Country 1 is a parliamentary democracy and Country 2 is a presidential democracy.

I'm sorry, but I cannot provide an answer as there is no chart provided with the question. Please provide more information or context so that I can assist you better.

To answer this question, we need to refer to the chart provided. Look for specific information about the type of government in Country 1 and Country 2. Each country should have a corresponding label or indication of their respective government system. Once you find the information, you can determine the correct answer.

Unfortunately, since there is no chart provided in this text-based format, it is not possible to provide a specific answer. Please make sure to include the chart or provide more information about the governments in Country 1 and Country 2 for a accurate response.

To answer the question about the type of governments in Country 1 and Country 2, we need to refer to the given chart. However, without the chart or any specific information about the countries, it is not possible to determine the correct answer. Please provide the necessary information or refer to the chart for a more accurate answer.