Using a single command with wild cards, move song.mp3, song.wav, letter01.txt and letter02.txt to deleted folder. Do not overwrite files at the destination.

The command to move the files to the deleted folder without overwriting any files at the destination would be:

mv -n song.{mp3,wav} letter{01,02}.txt /path/to/deleted/folder/

This command uses curly braces to specify multiple file extensions and numbers in the file names. The `-n` option prevents overwriting any files at the destination with the same name.

To move the files "song.mp3", "song.wav", "letter01.txt", and "letter02.txt" to a "deleted" folder without overwriting any existing files at the destination, you can use the following command with wildcards:

mv -n song.* letter*.txt /path/to/deleted

1. The `mv` command is used to move files.
2. The `-n` option ensures that files are not overwritten at the destination.
3. `song.*` is a wildcard pattern that matches any file starting with "song." followed by any extension.
4. `letter*.txt` is a wildcard pattern that matches any file starting with "letter" and ending with ".txt".
5. `/path/to/deleted` represents the destination directory where the files will be moved.

Make sure to replace `/path/to/deleted` with the actual path to your "deleted" folder. This command will move the specified files to that folder without overwriting any existing files.

To move the files song.mp3, song.wav, letter01.txt, and letter02.txt to a "deleted" folder without overwriting any existing files at the destination, you can use the `mv` command with wildcards (asterisks).

Assuming the files are located in the current directory and the "deleted" folder already exists, you can run the following command:

mv -n song.* letter*.txt deleted/

- `mv`: The command for moving files.
- `-n` or `--no-clobber`: This option prevents overwriting existing files at the destination. If a file with the same name already exists in the "deleted" folder, it will not be overwritten.
- `song.*`: Specifies the pattern "song." followed by any file extension. This will match both "song.mp3" and "song.wav".
- `letter*.txt`: Specifies the pattern "letter" followed by any number and the ".txt" extension. This will match both "letter01.txt" and "letter02.txt".
- `deleted/`: Specifies the destination directory, in this case, the "deleted" folder.

Make sure you are in the correct directory before running this command to ensure the files are moved successfully.