Four ways that gender roles differ between Men and women's in relationship

1. Traditional gender roles: Historically, men have been expected to be the breadwinners and providers for their families, while women have been expected to take care of the home and children. This traditional gender role has been changing in recent years, but it still exists in many cultures and societies.

2. Emotional expression: Men are often socialized to suppress their emotions and not show vulnerability, while women are encouraged to express their emotions and be more open about their feelings. This can lead to differences in communication styles and how men and women express themselves in relationships.

3. Division of labor: In many relationships, men and women divide household chores and responsibilities differently. Women may take on more of the domestic work, such as cooking and cleaning, while men may take on more of the outdoor work, such as yard work and home repairs.

4. Power dynamics: In some relationships, men may hold more power and decision-making authority than women. This can be due to societal norms and expectations, as well as individual personality traits and communication styles. It is important for both partners to have equal say and respect in the relationship.