nterpret the ways in which women during the Civil War challenged traditional gender roles. Which two of the following actions represent such challenges?(2 points) Responses Attending social events Attending social events Disguising themselves as men to fight Disguising themselves as men to fight Running businesses Running businesses Becoming nurses

Two actions that represent challenges to traditional gender roles during the Civil War are disguising themselves as men to fight and becoming nurses.

Disguising themselves as men to fight challenged the traditional gender roles of women, who were expected to stay at home and take care of the family. By donning men's clothing and enlisting in the military, these women bravely challenged societal norms and took on a traditionally male role.

Becoming nurses also challenged traditional gender roles, as nursing was seen as a primarily female profession at the time. Women who became nurses during the Civil War demonstrated their ability to care for the sick and wounded on the battlefield, breaking away from the domestic sphere and engaging in a traditionally male-dominated field.