an early result of the Columbian exchange for Utah's native americans was the

I keep seeing you on here Cheezet, WHO ARE YOU? anyways

1. Arrival of the horse
2. The escalante expedition
3. For its resources
4. Alcohol and diseases
5. John C Fremont and Major John Wesley Powell
6. Began to move to Zion
7. Territorial status for Utah
8. Never recognized by Congress
9. Woman's suffrage
10. Added a fear and mistrust of the federal government
11. Federal interest in Utah
12. Flatland and water for growing crops

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introduction of horses. The arrival of horses through the Columbian exchange had a significant impact on the way of life for Utah's Native Americans. Horses allowed for easier transportation, hunting, and warfare, which greatly increased the mobility and power of various tribes. The Ute tribe, in particular, became skilled horsemen and used horses to expand their territory and influence. However, the introduction of horses also brought new diseases that devastated Native American populations.

To find an answer to your question, we can start by understanding what the Columbian Exchange was. The Columbian Exchange refers to the transfer of plants, animals, culture, human populations, and diseases between the Americas, Europe, and Africa following Christopher Columbus' arrival in the New World in 1492.

In the case of Utah's native Americans, one early result of the Columbian Exchange was the introduction of new diseases. When Europeans arrived in the Americas, they brought with them diseases that the native populations had little to no immunity against. Diseases such as smallpox, measles, and influenza spread rapidly, causing significant loss of life among the native Americans in Utah and other regions.

The impact of these diseases was devastating, as the native populations had not previously been exposed to these illnesses and therefore had no natural defenses against them. It is estimated that the native American population in Utah and surrounding regions declined significantly due to these diseases brought by Europeans during the early stages of the Columbian Exchange.

It's important to note that the Columbian Exchange had both positive and negative impacts on different aspects of life for native Americans in Utah and elsewhere. While the introduction of new diseases had severe consequences, the exchange of plants and animals also brought some benefits, such as the introduction of new crops and livestock that helped shape the native American way of life.

For more detailed information on the specific effects of the Columbian Exchange on Utah's native Americans, it would be helpful to consult historical sources or academic research that focuses specifically on this topic.