Based on the chart and what you know of the Columbian Exchange, which statement best explains why people in West Africa eat manioc? (1 point)

Europeans introduced manioc to Africa after encountering it in America.
Early Native Americans established trade routes with West Africans.
Manioc is native to West Africa and a traditional part of local diets.
Early Native Americans brought manioc with them on voyages to Africa.

Based on the given information and the knowledge of the Columbian Exchange, the statement "Europeans introduced manioc to Africa after encountering it in America" seems to best explain why people in West Africa eat manioc.

Based on the information provided, the statement that best explains why people in West Africa eat manioc is: "Manioc is native to West Africa and a traditional part of local diets."

To determine the correct answer, we can analyze the given options in relation to the Columbian Exchange and the chart.

The Columbian Exchange refers to the transfer of plants, animals, and diseases between the Americas, Europe, and Africa following Christopher Columbus' voyages. The exchange had a significant impact on the cultures, economies, and diets of each region involved.

Looking at the options provided:

1. Europeans introduced manioc to Africa after encountering it in America.
This option suggests that Europeans brought manioc to Africa from America. However, based on the chart, manioc is already present in West Africa before the arrival of Europeans, implying that it was not introduced by them.

2. Early Native Americans established trade routes with West Africans.
This option suggests that Native Americans had trade routes with West Africans, which could have facilitated the exchange of manioc. However, there is no direct information in the chart or the question to support this option.

3. Manioc is native to West Africa and a traditional part of local diets.
This option suggests that manioc is native to West Africa and has been a traditional part of the local diets. This statement correlates with the information provided in the chart, which shows the production and consumption of manioc in West Africa.

4. Early Native Americans brought manioc with them on voyages to Africa.
This option suggests that Native Americans brought manioc with them on voyages to Africa. However, there is no direct evidence or information in the question or chart to support this option.

Based on the available information and analysis, the most accurate statement explaining why people in West Africa eat manioc is that "Manioc is native to West Africa and a traditional part of local diets." (Option 3)