Answer this Question: Bella Has 7 bags of crayons, and Mia has 7 bags of crayons. Each Crayons has 78 crayons. If Bella Has 78 crayons, How many crayons will Mia Get? Explain Why.

If Bella has 7 bags of crayons, and each bag has 78 crayons, then Bella has a total of:

7 bags x 78 crayons/bag = 546 crayons

Mia also has 7 bags of crayons, and each bag has 78 crayons. Therefore, Mia will also have a total of:

7 bags x 78 crayons/bag = 546 crayons

So, Mia will also get 546 crayons, just like Bella. This is because they both have the same number of bags and the same number of crayons per bag.