In a team of 11 boys the average age of 7 boys is 15 years and the average age of the other 4 boys is 13 years old. What is the average of the whole team

To find the average age of the whole team, we need to calculate the total age of all 11 boys and divide by 11 (the total number of boys).

The total age of the first 7 boys is 7 x 15 = 105 years.

The total age of the other 4 boys is 4 x 13 = 52 years.

The total age of all 11 boys is 105 + 52 = 157 years.

Therefore, the average age of the whole team is 157 / 11 = 14.27 (rounded to two decimal places).

So, the average age of the whole team is approximately 14.27 years old.