tun tun left town a at 5:30 am and drove a distance of 150 km to town b if he arrived to town b at 7:10 am, find his average speed for the whole journey

To find the average speed of Tun Tun for the whole journey, we need to use the formula:

Average speed = Total distance ÷ Total time

We know that Tun Tun drove a distance of 150 km from town A to town B. We also know that he started at 5:30 am and arrived at 7:10 am, which means he drove for 1 hour and 40 minutes (or 1.67 hours).

Therefore, the average speed of Tun Tun for the whole journey is:

Average speed = 150 km ÷ 1.67 hours
Average speed = 89.82 km/h (rounded to two decimal places)

So, Tun Tun's average speed for the whole journey was approximately 89.82 km/h.