3 added to five times a number,the result is multiplied by 4.The final result is 72 what is the number.

Let's start by translating the problem into an equation:

4(3 + 5x) = 72

where x is the unknown number.

Now we can solve for x:

First, simplify the left side of the equation:

12 + 20x = 72

Next, isolate x by subtracting 12 from both sides:

20x = 60

Finally, divide both sides by 20:

x = 3

Therefore, the number is 3.

Inusah is xyears old now

How old was he 7 years ago
How old will he be 11years from now
lf his age in11years time will be3 times his age 7 years ago,how old is he.


Let's break down the problem step by step to find the number.

Step 1: "3 added to five times a number"
This can be written as 5x + 3, where x represents the unknown number.

Step 2: "The result is multiplied by 4"
So, we need to multiply the expression from step 1 by 4: 4(5x + 3).

Step 3: "The final result is 72"
Now we set up an equation: 4(5x + 3) = 72.

To solve for x, we can use the distributive property by multiplying 4 with each term inside the parentheses:
20x + 12 = 72.

Next, we isolate x by subtracting 12 from both sides of the equation:
20x = 60.

Finally, we solve for x by dividing both sides by 20:
x = 3.

Therefore, the number we are looking for is 3.