In three to five sentences, construct an argument that shows why lichens are necessary to establish a new ecosystem after an extreme disturbance.

Lichens are a symbiotic association between fungi and algae or cyanobacteria, and they are known to be the pioneers of colonization in barren environments. They can grow on bare rocks, soil, and tree bark, and they are capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen, which is essential for plant growth. Lichens also produce organic matter that contributes to soil formation, and they provide a food source for herbivores. Therefore, lichens play a crucial role in establishing a new ecosystem after an extreme disturbance, as they create a foundation for other organisms to thrive.

Lichens play a crucial role in establishing a new ecosystem after an extreme disturbance due to their unique symbiotic relationship between fungi and algae or cyanobacteria. Firstly, lichens are among the first organisms to colonize barren surfaces, such as rocks or soil, because they can tolerate harsh environmental conditions. Secondly, lichens contribute to soil formation by secreting acids that break down rocks, aiding in the creation of a suitable substrate for other plants to grow. Lastly, lichens also serve as a source of food and shelter for various organisms, including insects, birds, and mammals, thus initiating a cascade of biodiversity in the newly forming ecosystem.

Lichens play a crucial role in establishing a new ecosystem after extreme disturbances due to their unique ability to colonize barren environments. Firstly, lichens are pioneer species that can survive in harsh conditions, such as in the aftermath of a volcanic eruption or a wildfire, where few other organisms can. Secondly, lichens have the ability to fix nitrogen from the atmosphere, enriching the soil with this essential nutrient, which is crucial for the growth of other plants in the ecosystem. Finally, lichens serve as a food source and provide habitat for various organisms, including insects and small animals, helping to kickstart the food chain and ecosystem processes in the early stages of recovery.