Abdul's average speed is 40 mph in heavy traffic, and his average speed is 50 mph in light traffic. If he was in heavy traffic for 1 hour and light traffic for 3 hours, how far did Abdul travel?

To solve this problem, we can use the formula:

distance = speed x time

Let's first calculate the distance Abdul traveled in heavy traffic:

distance in heavy traffic = speed x time
distance in heavy traffic = 40 mph x 1 hour
distance in heavy traffic = 40 miles

Now, let's calculate the distance Abdul traveled in light traffic:

distance in light traffic = speed x time
distance in light traffic = 50 mph x 3 hours
distance in light traffic = 150 miles

Finally, we can calculate the total distance Abdul traveled by adding the distance in heavy traffic and the distance in light traffic:

total distance = distance in heavy traffic + distance in light traffic
total distance = 40 miles + 150 miles
total distance = 190 miles

Therefore, Abdul traveled 190 miles in total.