25. If Dodge City and Pine Bluff are 500 mi. apart, what is the distance between them on a map?


We cannot determine the distance on a map without knowing the scale of the map. The scale of the map tells us how many units on the map represent one unit in real life.

For example, if the scale of the map is 1 inch = 100 miles, then we can use proportions to find the distance on the map.

Let x be the distance between Dodge City and Pine Bluff on the map.

Using proportions:

1 inch / 100 miles = x inches / 500 miles


100x = 500

Dividing by 100:

x = 5

Therefore, the distance between Dodge City and Pine Bluff on the map is 5 inches, if the scale of the map is 1 inch = 100 miles.