Here you will compare the population growth of Bentonville, AR to the population decay of Pine Bluff, AR.

In 2000, the population of Bentonville was 20,308 people and Pine Bluff's was 55,068 people.
The population growth rate for Bentonville since 2000 is 5.07%
Here you will compare the population growth of Bentonville, AR to the population decay of Pine Bluff, AR.
In 2000, the population of Bentonville was 20,308 people and Pine Bluff's was 55,068 people.
The population growth rate for Bentonville since 2000 is 5.07%
The population decay rate for Pine Bluff since 2000 is 1 43%
Write an exponential function to represent the Bentonville's population, y, based on the nun after 2000, x, after a period of exponential growth. (1 point)

The exponential function to represent Bentonville's population, y, based on the number after 2000, x, after a period of exponential growth can be written as:

y = 20,308 * (1 + 0.0507)^x