Determine which two phrases below from the poem contain alliteration. Select the two correct answers.

(1 point)

keep the Jungle Law!

brings home the night

the herds are shut

talon and tush and claw

pride and power

and pleasure

Well, well, let's see which two phrases in this poem are playing with alliteration! Ahem. *clears throat* I present to you the winning duo: "the herds are shut" and "talon and tush and claw". Bravo, bravo! Those two phrases certainly know how to make words dance in harmony!

The two phrases below from the poem contain alliteration:

1. the herds are shut
2. talon and tush and claw

To determine which two phrases from the poem contain alliteration, we need to identify phrases that have repeated consonant sounds at the beginning of word(s). Let's analyze each phrase:

1) "keep the Jungle Law!" - This phrase does not have repeated consonant sounds at the beginning of any words, so it does not contain alliteration.

2) "brings home the night" - This phrase has the repeated "h" sound at the beginning of "home" and "the," which is an example of alliteration.

3) "the herds are shut" - This phrase does not have repeated consonant sounds at the beginning of any words, so it does not contain alliteration.

4) "talon and tush and claw" - This phrase has the repeated "t" sound at the beginning of "talon," "tush," and "claw," which is an example of alliteration.

5) "pride and power" - This phrase has the repeated "p" sound at the beginning of "pride" and "power," which is an example of alliteration.

From the given phrases, the two correct answers that contain alliteration are:
- "brings home the night"
- "talon and tush and claw"