Modern lacrosse was first played in 1834. It was played in Montreal, Quebec. Indigenous Americans invented lacrosse before this date.

Which example effectively rewrites these sentences by rearranging phrases and clauses? Select the two correct answers.

While indigenous Americans invented lacrosse before this date, modern lacrosse was first played in 1834 in Montreal, Quebec.

Indigenous Americans first played modern lacrosse before this, in Montreal, Quebec, in 1834.

Modern lacrosse was first played in Montreal, Quebec in 1834, although indigenous Americans played lacrosse before this date.

In Montreal, Quebec, in 1834, modern lacrosse, invented by indigenous Americans, was first played.

Modern lacrosse, invented by indigenous Americans before this, was first played in 1834 in Montreal, Quebec.

Indigenous Americans first played modern lacrosse before this, in Montreal, Quebec, in 1834.

In Montreal, Quebec, in 1834, modern lacrosse, invented by indigenous Americans, was first played.

Which sentences include errors in the use of possessives or contractions that should be corrected? Select the two correct answers.

We are not certain who's textbooks these are, but we want to find out so that we can return them.

You're going to have to discuss your project in simpler terms so that everyone can understand.

Don't forget to pack your coat and hat, because its going to be snowing in Minnesota all week

Their electricity has been off since the storm, and they're using candles for light.

Go check the front door and see who's there, because it might be one of my neighbors.

Don't forget to pack your coat and hat, because its going to be snowing in Minnesota all week.

Go check the front door and see who's there, because it might be one of my neighbors.

is that correct?

I apologize for the confusion. Upon reviewing the options again, the correct sentences with errors in the use of possessives or contractions are:

1. Don't forget to pack your coat and hat, because its going to be snowing in Minnesota all week.

2. Go check the front door and see who's there, because it might be one of my neighbors.

While indigenous Americans invented lacrosse before this date, modern lacrosse was first played in 1834 in Montreal, Quebec.

Modern lacrosse, invented by indigenous Americans before this, was first played in 1834 in Montreal, Quebec.

The two correct examples that effectively rewrite the given sentences by rearranging phrases and clauses are:

1. Modern lacrosse was first played in Montreal, Quebec in 1834, although indigenous Americans played lacrosse before this date.
This example reorders the phrases and clauses in a way that presents the statement about indigenous Americans playing lacrosse before 1834 as a contrast to the fact that modern lacrosse was first played in Montreal in 1834.

2. Indigenous Americans first played modern lacrosse before this, in Montreal, Quebec, in 1834.
This example rearranges the phrases and clauses to emphasize the fact that indigenous Americans played modern lacrosse before the specific date mentioned (1834) and in the specific location mentioned (Montreal, Quebec).