the graph of a straight line crosses the origin of a coordinate plane, what does crossing the point (0,0) mean.

It means y is directly proportional to x.

When the graph of a straight line crosses the point (0,0) on a coordinate plane, it means that the line passes through the origin. This implies that the y-intercept of the line is zero, and the line starts at the origin, which is the point (0,0). In other words, the line intersects the x-axis and the y-axis at the origin (0,0).

When the graph of a straight line crosses the origin of a coordinate plane, it means that the line intersects or passes through the point (0,0), which is also known as the origin. The point (0,0) represents the intersection of the x-axis and the y-axis.

In terms of the equation of a straight line, crossing the origin means that the y-intercept of the line is 0. The y-intercept is the point where the line intersects the y-axis, and when it is equal to 0, the line passes through the origin.

To determine whether a given line crosses the origin, you can examine its equation. The general equation of a straight line is y = mx + c, where m represents the slope of the line and c represents the y-intercept. If the y-intercept (c) is equal to 0, then the line crosses the origin.

For example, if the equation of a line is y = 2x + 0, the y-intercept is 0. Therefore, the line crosses the origin.

Alternatively, if you have a graph and want to determine if the line crosses the origin, you can verify if the line passes through the point (0,0) on the graph. By substituting x=0 and y=0 into the equation of the line, if the equation holds true, then the line crosses the origin.

Crossing the point (0,0) means that the line passes through the origin, which is the point where the x-axis and y-axis intersect. This means that the line has a y-intercept of 0 and an x-intercept of 0.