Sam can type 20 words in 35 seconds. How many words can he type in 90 seconds?

(round your answer to the nearest whole number)

6. Sam can type 20 words in 35 seconds. How many words can he type in 90 seconds?

(round your answer to the nearest whole number)

A. 158

B. 8

C. 51

D. 53

Show your work

D. 53

Work: 20 words/35 seconds = x words/90 seconds

x = (20/35) * 90 = 51.428571428571429

Rounded to the nearest whole number = 53

We can use a proportion to solve this problem.

Let x be the number of words Sam can type in 90 seconds. We can set up the proportion:

20 words / 35 seconds = x words / 90 seconds

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and simplify:

20 words * 90 seconds = 35 seconds * x words

1800 words = 35 seconds * x words

x words = 1800 words / 35 seconds

x words ≈ 51.43

Rounding to the nearest whole number, we get:

x words ≈ 51

Therefore, Sam can type about 51 words in 90 seconds. The closest answer choice is C: 51.