Your literary analysis will not have much merit unless it is supported by ____________________________________.

evidence from the text.

asked and submitted at the same time wow

evidence from the text.

Your literary analysis will not have much merit unless it is supported by evidence from the text. To strengthen your analysis, you need to provide specific examples, quotes, and scenes from the literary work.

To gather evidence from the text, you can:

1. Read the text thoroughly: Start by reading the literary work carefully and attentively. Take notes on important plot points, character development, themes, and any other details that stand out to you.

2. Highlight key passages: As you read, mark or highlight passages that are significant to your analysis. These could be lines of dialogue, vivid descriptions, or symbolic moments that convey deeper meaning.

3. Analyze character traits and relationships: Pay close attention to how characters are portrayed and how they interact with each other. Identify their motivations, conflicts, and changes throughout the story. Use their actions, dialogue, and thoughts as evidence to support your arguments.

4. Identify recurring themes and symbols: Look for recurring ideas, motifs, symbols, or imagery that appear throughout the text. Consider how these elements contribute to the overall meaning or message of the work.

5. Consider the author's style and techniques: Analyze the author's writing style, such as their use of literary devices, narrative structure, pacing, or tone. Discuss how these choices enhance the story, create meaning, or affect the reader's experience.

6. Consult secondary sources: Consider consulting literary criticism or scholarly articles that discuss the work you're analyzing. These sources can provide additional insights and perspectives that can strengthen your arguments.

By incorporating textual evidence into your analysis, you provide a solid foundation for your claims and demonstrate a deep understanding of the literary work. This evidence-based approach not only enhances the credibility of your analysis but also allows for a more comprehensive examination of the text.