Which is the best example of a direct democracy action voters select a new senator to replace one that is retiring voters elect a slate of city council members voters attend a session at the state capitol for lobby to Representatives voters initiate a petition to keep taxes from Verizon


The best example of a direct democracy action is voters initiate a petition to keep taxes from Verizon low.

The best example of a direct democracy action among the options provided is when voters initiate a petition to keep taxes from Verizon. This scenario allows citizens to directly influence the decision-making process by taking matters into their own hands.

To get more specific information on the topic, one can start by conducting an online search. By typing relevant keywords, such as "direct democracy" or "voter-initiated petition to keep taxes from Verizon," search engines will provide a list of relevant sources of information. It is important to choose reliable sources, such as government websites, reputable news outlets, or academic articles, to ensure accurate and trustworthy information.

Additionally, consulting with local election officials or visiting government websites can also provide insight into the process of voter-initiated petitions and direct democracy actions within a specific jurisdiction. These resources often provide detailed explanations, guidelines, and procedures related to citizen initiatives and referendum processes.

Remember, always critically evaluate the information obtained and cross-reference multiple sources to verify accuracy and ensure you have a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

The best example of a direct democracy action among the options given is "voters initiate a petition to keep taxes from Verizon."