Which of the following is an example of direct democracy in action California voters pass a proposition to cut property taxes Oklahoma's primary elections are between members of the same political party Congress passes legislation in a system of representative democracy Louisiana elects it's national senators in a general election

California voters pass a proposition to cut property taxes is an example of direct democracy in action.

An example of direct democracy in action is when California voters pass a proposition to cut property taxes.

The example of direct democracy in action is when California voters pass a proposition to cut property taxes.

Direct democracy is a system in which citizens directly participate in making decisions and shaping public policy. In this case, California voters have the power to collectively make a decision on whether to pass a proposition to cut property taxes.

To obtain this information, you can research the legislative process in California. You can look up the proposition system and how it allows citizens to propose and vote on certain measures. Exploring official government websites or reliable news sources can provide you with more information on the specific proposition and its outcome.