A student is investigating two types of waves. Which question can the student ask to determine whether a wave is electromagnetic?


Can the wave travel through a liquid?
Can the wave travel through a liquid?

Can the wave travel through a vacuum?
Can the wave travel through a vacuum?

Can the wave travel through a gas?
Can the wave travel through a gas?

Can the wave travel through a solid?

Can the wave travel through a solid?

Does the wave have an electric and magnetic field?
Does the wave have an electric and magnetic field?

The question that the student can ask to determine whether a wave is electromagnetic is "Can the wave travel through a vacuum?"

To understand why this question can help identify electromagnetic waves, we need to understand the properties of electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic waves are unique because they can travel through a vacuum, which is empty space without any matter or medium. Other types of waves, such as mechanical waves, require a medium like a liquid, gas, or solid to propagate.

By asking whether the wave can travel through a vacuum, the student is essentially checking if the wave can exist without a medium. If the answer is yes, then it is likely an electromagnetic wave. If the answer is no, then it is most likely not an electromagnetic wave.

Can the wave travel through a solid?