Which sentence contains a pun?(1 point)


1. You can throw peanuts to the monkeys at the zoo.

2. I have a weighty opinion about the new elephant at the zoo.

3. The children couldn't wait to get off the school bus!

4.Is it strange that they sell cotton candy at the snack bar?

2. I have a weighty opinion about the new elephant at the zoo.

The pun is in sentence 2: "I have a weighty opinion about the new elephant at the zoo."

The sentence that contains a pun is:

2. I have a weighty opinion about the new elephant at the zoo.

To determine which sentence contains a pun, we should first understand what a pun is. A pun is a form of wordplay that exploits multiple meanings of a word or words that sound similar but have different meanings.

Now, let's analyze each sentence to find the pun:

1. "You can throw peanuts to the monkeys at the zoo." There is no wordplay or play on multiple meanings in this sentence, so it does not contain a pun.

2. "I have a weighty opinion about the new elephant at the zoo." In this sentence, the term "weighty" is used to play on the word "weight," but not in a humorous or clever way. Therefore, this sentence does not contain a pun.

3. "The children couldn't wait to get off the school bus!" This sentence does not involve any wordplay or play on multiple meanings, so it does not contain a pun.

4. "Is it strange that they sell cotton candy at the snack bar?" In this sentence, the word "strange" is used to create a play on multiple meanings. It can refer to something unusual as well as the act of exchanging money. Therefore, this sentence contains a pun.

The correct answer is option 4. "Is it strange that they sell cotton candy at the snack bar?" contains a pun.