Which sentence contains a pun?

• Is it strange that they sell cotton candy at the snack bar?
• I have a weighty opinion about the new elephant at the zoo.
• The children couldn't wait to get off the school bus!
• You can throw peanuts to the monkeys at the zoo.

I have a weighty opinion about the new elephant at the zoo.

I have a weighty opinion about the new elephant at the zoo.

The sentence that contains a pun is: "I have a weighty opinion about the new elephant at the zoo." This sentence uses the word "weighty" to create a play on words, as it could refer to both the physical weight of the elephant and the importance or significance of the opinion.

To determine which sentence contains a pun, we need to understand what a pun is. A pun is a type of wordplay that involves a play on words, often using words with multiple meanings or similar sounds to create humor or a clever twist.

Let's evaluate each sentence to see if it contains a pun:

1. "Is it strange that they sell cotton candy at the snack bar?"
This sentence does not contain a pun. It is a straightforward question about the availability of cotton candy at the snack bar and does not involve any wordplay or double meanings.

2. "I have a weighty opinion about the new elephant at the zoo."
This sentence contains a pun. The word "weighty" is a play on words because it can mean both having a significant opinion or having a lot of physical weight. The pun is created by the clever use of the word "weighty" in relation to the new elephant at the zoo.

3. "The children couldn't wait to get off the school bus!"
This sentence does not contain a pun. It describes the eagerness of the children to leave the school bus and does not involve any wordplay or double meanings.

4. "You can throw peanuts to the monkeys at the zoo."
This sentence does not contain a pun. It is a straightforward statement about being able to throw peanuts to monkeys at the zoo and does not involve any wordplay or double meanings.

Therefore, the sentence that contains a pun is: "I have a weighty opinion about the new elephant at the zoo."