Write a split_check function that returns the amount that each diner must pay to cover the cost of the meal.

The function has four parameters:

bill: The amount of the bill.
people: The number of diners to split the bill between.
tax_percentage: The extra tax percentage to add to the bill.
tip_percentage: The extra tip percentage to add to the bill.

The tax or tip percentages are optional and may not be given when calling split_check. Use default parameter values of 0.15 (15%) for tip_percentage, and 0.09 (9%) for tax_percentage. Assume that the tip is calculated from the amount of the bill before tax.

def split_check(bill, people, tax_percentage=0.09, tip_percentage=0.15):

total_amount = bill + (bill * tax_percentage) + (bill * tip_percentage)
return total_amount / people

# Example
amount_due = split_check(100, 4)
print("Each person owes ${}".format(amount_due))