write a function rule for finding the amount of daily pay, p, in the following situation: a bus driver gets paid 100$ each day plus $0.20 per kilometer

p = 100 + 0.20k, where k is the number of kilometers driven

To write a function rule for finding the amount of daily pay, you need to consider the fixed amount paid each day and the additional payment per kilometer.

Let's break down the information given:
- The fixed amount paid each day is $100.
- The additional payment per kilometer is $0.20.

To calculate the total daily pay (p), you need to add the fixed amount to the additional payment for the kilometers driven.

The function rule can be written as follows:

p = 100 + 0.20 * (number of kilometers driven per day)

In this rule, you can substitute the "number of kilometers driven per day" with the actual number of kilometers to get the corresponding daily pay, p.

The function rule for finding the amount of daily pay, p, for the bus driver can be written as:

p = 100 + 0.20 * k

where "k" represents the number of kilometers driven by the bus driver.