two factors that influence self awareness in feedback from others

1. The quality of the feedback: The quality of the feedback from others can have a significant impact on self-awareness. Positive feedback can help to build self-confidence and self-esteem, while negative feedback can lead to feelings of insecurity and low self-worth.

2. The source of the feedback: The source of the feedback can also influence self-awareness. Feedback from a trusted friend or family member can be more meaningful and impactful than feedback from a stranger or someone with whom you have a strained relationship.

Two factors that influence self-awareness in feedback from others are the source of feedback and the perceived credibility of the feedback.

1. Source of feedback: The source of feedback refers to the person or entity providing the feedback. The influence of self-awareness can vary based on the relationship, expertise, and familiarity of the source. Feedback from trusted individuals, such as mentors, friends, or family members, may be more influential in increasing self-awareness. On the other hand, feedback from strangers or individuals with questionable expertise may have a lesser impact on self-awareness.

To consider the source of feedback, you can ask yourself questions like:
- Who is providing the feedback?
- Do they have experience or knowledge in the area they are giving feedback on?
- Have I received feedback from them in the past, and was it helpful?

2. Perceived credibility of the feedback: The perceived credibility of the feedback refers to how trustworthy or reliable the feedback is perceived to be. Self-awareness is more likely to be influenced when the feedback is seen as accurate, genuine, and aligned with one's own experiences or observations. Feedback that is consistent, specific, and constructive is more likely to be perceived as credible and, therefore, more impactful on self-awareness.

To assess the perceived credibility of the feedback, you can consider:
- Does the feedback align with your own observations and experiences?
- Is the feedback specific and detailed, rather than vague or general?
- Does the feedback provide constructive suggestions for improvement?

By considering both the source of feedback and the perceived credibility of the feedback, individuals can better understand and evaluate the impact of feedback on their self-awareness.

Two factors that influence self-awareness in feedback from others are:

1. Perception: How we perceive and interpret the feedback we receive from others plays a significant role in developing self-awareness. Our ability to accurately understand and accept constructive criticism or praise can impact our self-awareness. If we have a tendency to be defensive or dismissive of feedback, it can hinder our growth and self-awareness. On the other hand, being open-minded and receptive to feedback can enhance our self-awareness as we gain insights into our strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.

2. Emotional Intelligence: Emotional intelligence refers to our ability to recognize and manage our own emotions and understand the emotions of others. It plays a crucial role in how we handle the feedback we receive from others. Developing emotional intelligence allows us to effectively regulate our emotional reactions to feedback, preventing us from being overwhelmed or defensive. It also helps us empathize with the person giving the feedback, understanding their perspective and intentions, which enhances our self-awareness by providing us with a more comprehensive understanding of ourselves.