What is the main difference between a Puerto Rican graduation ceremony and a U.S. graduation ceremony?

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La principal diferencia entre una ceremonia de graduación puertorriqueña y una ceremonia de graduación estadounidense es que la ceremonia de graduación puertorriqueña suele ser más alegre y festiva, con música, baile y comida. Además, los graduados suelen usar trajes tradicionales puertorriqueños para la ceremonia.


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To understand the main difference between a Puerto Rican graduation ceremony and a U.S. graduation ceremony, we must consider the cultural and contextual factors that may influence the ceremonies. Here is how you can approach finding the answer:

1. Research Puerto Rican graduation ceremonies: Start by searching for information specific to Puerto Rican graduation ceremonies. Look for articles, blog posts, or academic papers that discuss or compare Puerto Rican graduation traditions with those in the United States. Pay attention to differences in attire, formalities, rituals, and customs.

2. Research U.S. graduation ceremonies: Similarly, gather information about typical U.S. graduation ceremonies. Explore articles, official university websites, or cultural references that describe the general structure and elements of these ceremonies. Look for common practices, such as the graduation cap and gown, diplomas, speeches, and the order of events.

3. Compare the findings: Once you have a good understanding of both Puerto Rican and U.S. graduation ceremonies, compare the information you have gathered. Look for key differences in terms of attire, decorations, speeches, speakers, music, procession, awards, or any other elements that stand out.

4. Consider cultural factors: To gain a deeper understanding, take into account cultural, social, and historical influences on graduation ceremonies in Puerto Rico and the United States. Consider the cultural values and traditions unique to each region, the educational system, and any significant historical events that may have shaped the ceremonies over time.

By following these steps, you can discover and compare the main differences between Puerto Rican and U.S. graduation ceremonies. Keep in mind that while there may be some commonalities, the specific differences will depend on various factors such as region, institution, and individual choices.