I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

Choose the best answer for question 16.
Henry Reed inspires the audience at the graduation ceremony to ____.
(1 point)

ask the invited white speakers to leave
ask the invited white speakers to leave

stand up and shout down the invited speakers
stand up and shout down the invited speakers

sing the Negro National Anthem
sing the Negro National Anthem

walk out of the auditorium in silent protest

sing the Negro National Anthem

Choose the word or phrase that best matches the word in italics for questions 17–18.

They're killing us stealthily.

(1 point)

out in the open
out in the open


by majority rule
by majority rule

slowly and deliberately in secret

slowly and deliberately in secret

The best answer for question 16 is: sing the Negro National Anthem.

To choose the best answer for question 16, you need to carefully read the text "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" and understand the context of the graduation ceremony. Look for any clues or information related to what inspires Henry Reed and the impact he has on the audience.

To get the answer, you should refer to the relevant part of the text that describes Henry Reed's inspiration at the graduation ceremony. Look for any mention of how he motivates or influences the audience.

In this case, the correct answer is provided within the choices. Henry Reed inspires the audience at the graduation ceremony to sing the Negro National Anthem. This can be confirmed by selecting the option "sing the Negro National Anthem."