what missing number would complete the factorization?


answers for factoring practice


no its 3


bro ur desperate lmao wtf

Mike Apple is correct! I got 12/12

1. A - 3
2. B - 2
3. D - 2
4. B - (t+2)(t+8)
5. C - (n-7)(n+8)
6. D - (q-6)(q-2)
7. B - 6
8. C - (w-8)(w+1)
9. C - (r+10s)(r+9s^2)
10. A - (m+4n)(m-7n)
11. C - p = -4, q= -7
12. A - p = -3, q = 7

is that right

I just took the quiz and mike apple is 100% correct!! <3

407-988-6125 to any actual cute boys

well thats a report @Always_There

To find the missing number that would complete the factorization, we can use the formula for factoring a quadratic expression, which is known as the "FOIL" method. "FOIL" stands for First, Outer, Inner, Last.

The given quadratic expression is k^2 + 5k + 6. We need to factor this expression using the FOIL method, so let's break it down step by step.

1. First, multiply the first terms of each binomial in the factorization: (k + 2)(k + ?)
First terms: k × k = k^2

2. Next, multiply the outer terms of each binomial: (k + 2)(k + ?)
Outer terms: k × ? = k?

3. Then, multiply the inner terms of each binomial: (k + 2)(k + ?)
Inner terms: 2 × k = 2k

4. Finally, multiply the last terms of each binomial: (k + 2)(k + ?)
Last terms: 2 × ? = 2?

Now let's put all the terms together:

k^2 + k? + 2k + 2?

To complete the factorization, we want to find the missing number that makes the middle terms (k? + 2k) equal to 5k when combined. From the given expression, we know that the middle term is 5k. Therefore, solving the equation 5k = k? + 2k will give us the value of the missing number.

Let's simplify the equation:

5k = k? + 2k

Bring all the terms to one side of the equation:

k? + 2k - 5k = 0

Combine like terms:

k? - 3k = 0

Now, we have a quadratic equation:

k(k - 3) = 0

From this equation, we can see that either k = 0 or (k - 3) = 0.

If k = 0, then the factorization is:
(k + 2)(k + 0)

If (k - 3) = 0, then the factorization is:
(k + 2)(k - 3)

Therefore, the missing number that would complete the factorization of the quadratic expression k^2 + 5k + 6 is 3.

The missing number is 4.