Elegant Graceful ___________________ Hug Embrace _____________________

Generous Selfish ____________________ Beautiful Ugly _____________________
Adorable Cute _____________________ Cheerful Sad ______________________
Friend Enemy _____________________ Darling Sweetheart __________________
Adore Thoughtful ___________________ Aroma Scent _______________________
Considerate Thoughtful _______________ Love Hate ________________________

To find the missing words that pair opposites with the given words, we can think of words that have opposite meanings. Let's go through each pair:

1. Elegant - The opposite of elegant is usually considered to be "clumsy" or "awkward."
2. Hug - The opposite of a hug could be "push" or "shove."
3. Generous - The opposite of generous is generally "selfish," as mentioned in the prompt.
4. Beautiful - The opposite of beautiful could be "ugly," as given in the prompt.
5. Adorable - The opposite of adorable can be "ugly" or "repulsive."
6. Cheerful - The opposite of cheerful can be "sad" as mentioned in the prompt.
7. Friend - The opposite of friend is usually "enemy," as listed in the prompt.
8. Darling - The opposite of darling could be "rascal" or "scoundrel."
9. Adore - The opposite of adore could be "despise" or "loathe."
10. Aroma - The opposite of aroma could be "stench" or "odor."
11. Considerate - The opposite of considerate can be "inconsiderate" or "thoughtless."
12. Love - The opposite of love is "hate," as mentioned in the prompt.

So, the missing words are:

1. Clumsy (opposite of elegant)
2. Push or Shove (opposite of hug)
3. Selfish (opposite of generous)
4. Ugly (opposite of beautiful)
5. Repulsive (opposite of adorable)
6. Sad (opposite of cheerful)
7. Enemy (opposite of friend)
8. Rascal or Scoundrel (opposite of darling)
9. Despise or Loathe (opposite of adore)
10. Stench or Odor (opposite of aroma)
11. Inconsiderate or Thoughtless (opposite of considerate)
12. Hate (opposite of love)