Which statement best describes the importance of the magna Carta to the American ideas of government

The Magna Carta is an important document in the history of democracy and the rule of law, as it established the principle that no one, not even a king, is above the law. This principle has been a cornerstone of American government and has been used to protect the rights of citizens.

The Magna Carta holds significant importance to American ideas of government because it was one of the first documents to establish the concept of limited government and individual rights, which later influenced the development of the American Constitution. It emphasized the idea that the power of the government should be restrained and individuals should have certain fundamental rights. The principles of due process, the right to a fair trial, and protection against arbitrary actions by the government were influenced by the Magna Carta and later incorporated into the American legal system. Additionally, the ideals of representative government and the concept of a written constitution can be traced back to this historical document.