Which Three-dimensional figure will this net make (3 rectangles and 2 triangles top and bottom)

This net will make a rectangular prism.

To determine which three-dimensional figure the given net will make, follow these steps:

1. Visualize the net: Imagine the net formed by the arrangement of 3 rectangles and 2 triangles both at the top and bottom.

2. Consider the shape of the base: Look at the shape of the base formed by the rectangles and triangles at the bottom of the net.

3. Analyze the number of faces: Count the number of faces. The base forms one face, and each rectangle and triangle forms one additional face.

4. Determine the number of faces: Since there are three rectangles on the top, three rectangles on the bottom, two triangles on the top, and two triangles on the bottom, the net has a total of 10 faces.

5. Identify the shape: Based on the number of faces, the given net corresponds to a triangular prism.

Therefore, the three-dimensional figure that this net will make is a triangular prism.

Based on the description you provided, a net with 3 rectangles and 2 triangles on the top and bottom would create a three-dimensional figure known as a rectangular prism.