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Image is a triangle with one side labeled as the 3 point 6 feet diameter of a semi-circle. The vertex opposite the semi-circle side is bi-sected by a horizontal line labeled 4 point 8 feet between the semi-circle diameter side and the opposing triangle.

Find the area of the irregular figure (use 3.14 for pi). Show your work. Round to the nearest tenth.

is the bot correct?

bro everybody ignorin me like why bro :(

AAAaannndd the bot gets it wrong yet again!

The radius of the circle is 1.8/2 = 0.9
so the area of the semicircle is 1/2 πr^2 = 1/2 * π * 0.9^2 = 1.27

Area of semi-circle = (3.14)(3.6^2)/2 = 16.37

Area of triangle = (4.8)(3.6)/2 = 8.64

Total area = 16.37 + 8.64 = 25.01

Rounded to the nearest tenth = 25.0