The cells in vascular and nonvascular plants are both able to get water, but nonvascular plants have different methods than vascular plants. How do these differences affect the height of the plants? In three to five sentences, explain this and be sure to describe how each type of plant gets water to its cells.

The differences in how vascular and nonvascular plants obtain water do play a key role in their respective heights. Vascular plants have specialized tissues called xylem and phloem, which allow water to be transported from the roots to the rest of the plant. This efficient water transport system enables vascular plants to grow taller because they can access water from the soil and distribute it upwards. In contrast, nonvascular plants lack these specialized tissues and rely on osmosis and diffusion to absorb water directly through their cells. This method is less efficient in transporting water over long distances, limiting their ability to grow tall compared to vascular plants.

yeah thanks.