2. Now it's time to put Betsy's sales plan into action! During the 30% off sale, you notice a customer glancing through the window at the new items in the front of the store. He comes in and seems unsure of what he's looking for.

a) Based on the sales plan and your knowledge of successful selling, how will you greet and approach the customer? Demonstrate your approach. (2 points)

With a partner, role-play the entire scenario that follows. One of you will act as the customer, and the other will act as the salesperson. Then you will switch roles.

As an AI, I can provide you with a script and some guidelines on how to greet and approach the customer. However, since I am unable to participate in a role-play scenario, I suggest enacting the following steps:

1. Greeting the customer: Start by approaching the customer with a warm and friendly greeting. For example, you can say, "Good morning/afternoon! Welcome to our store. How may I assist you today?"
2. Assessing the customer's needs: After greetings, it's essential to understand what the customer is looking for. Begin by asking open-ended questions that encourage conversation. For instance, you can ask, "What brings you to our store today? Are you looking for anything specific?"
3. Active listening: As the customer responds, actively listen and show genuine interest in their needs. Maintain eye contact, nod, and use verbal cues to demonstrate attentiveness.
4. Providing personalized suggestions: Based on the customer's response, offer personalized recommendations. For example, you can say, "Since you're exploring our new items, we have some fantastic options that might catch your interest. Would you like to see any specific category or style?"
5. Offering assistance: Let the customer know that you are available to assist them at any time. You can say, "Feel free to ask any questions or request further assistance while you browse. I'm here to help you find the perfect item."
6. Sharing sale information: If the customer seems hesitant or unaware of ongoing sales, you can mention the 30% off sale. However, be sure to provide this information naturally and not overwhelm them with too many details.
7. Creating a comfortable environment: Throughout the interaction, maintain a friendly and approachable demeanor to make the customer feel comfortable and valued. Avoid pressuring them into making a purchase and respect their personal space.

By following these guidelines, you can effectively greet and approach customers while implementing Betsy's sales plan. Remember, adaptability and personalization are key in providing excellent customer service. Enjoy your role-play session with your partner!