Which option is the best example of a central idea?(1 point)


Change can be a difficult process.
Change can be a difficult process.

A group of baseball players change their minds about their coach after they learn why he is so strict.
A group of baseball players change their minds about their coach after they learn why he is so strict.

Knowledge can be a powerful mover of change.
Knowledge can be a powerful mover of change.

The story takes place in a small town and includes a conflict between a baseball coach and his players.

The story takes place in a small town and includes a conflict between a baseball coach and his players.

Thats what I had. Glad to know I was right

The best example of a central idea among the given options is: "Knowledge can be a powerful mover of change."

The option "Knowledge can be a powerful mover of change" is the best example of a central idea.

To determine the central idea, you can identify the main theme or message that the text or passage is conveying. In this case, the central idea is about the role of knowledge in bringing about change.

To arrive at this conclusion, you can analyze the other options and compare them to the central idea. The first option, "Change can be a difficult process," is a general statement about change but does not specifically address the role of knowledge. The second option, "A group of baseball players change their minds about their coach after they learn why he is so strict," is more specific and focused on a particular scenario but does not discuss the broader concept of knowledge as a catalyst for change. The last option, "The story takes place in a small town and includes a conflict between a baseball coach and his players," provides context but does not capture the central idea of the passage as a whole.

Therefore, by considering the options and comparing them to the central idea, "Knowledge can be a powerful mover of change" stands out as the best example.