Which statement best describes the organelle labeled X?


The ribosome creates proteins for the cell.


The mitochondrion creates energy for the cell.


The nucleus stores most of the genetic information for the cell.


The nucleus controls everything that enters and exits the cell.

C. The nucleus stores most of the genetic information for the cell.


The ribosome creates proteins for the cell.

To determine which statement best describes the organelle labeled X, we can start by analyzing each option.

A. The statement "The ribosome creates proteins for the cell" is not a correct description of the organelle labeled X. Ribosomes are small cellular structures involved in protein synthesis, but they are not labeled as X.

B. The statement "The mitochondrion creates energy for the cell" is also not a correct description of the organelle labeled X. While mitochondria are responsible for generating energy in the form of ATP through cellular respiration, they are not labeled as X.

C. The statement "The nucleus stores most of the genetic information for the cell" is a plausible description of the organelle labeled X. The nucleus is responsible for housing the cell's genetic material in the form of DNA, and it controls many cellular functions through gene expression.

D. The statement "The nucleus controls everything that enters and exits the cell" is not an accurate description of the organelle labeled X. The plasma membrane, rather than the nucleus, regulates the movement of substances in and out of the cell.

Based on the analysis, the most suitable statement that describes the organelle labeled X is C. "The nucleus stores most of the genetic information for the cell."