Use the scenario to answer the question.

A student makes a chart about galaxies and mentions that the universe consists of many galaxies such as the Andromeda galaxy and the Milky Way galaxy.

Which statement is true about these two galaxies?

1. They both exert a strong gravitational pull on each other

2. a black hole
4.Star A will have a higher apparent magnitude because it at a lesser distance.
5. Both orbit the sun.
7.determine temperature, chemical composition, and speed
8.treating medical conditions
9.Some scientists think that the universe will not keep expanding forever.
10.After the universe reaches its expansion limit, gravity will pull it all back together.
11.What is the future of the universe?
12. big bang theory
13. There is a red shift, which means that the star is moving away from the sun.
14. Global positioning can provide high precision measurements so that small changes over time could be seen.
15. new lightweight blankets developed in the space program

The Andromeda galaxy and the Milky Way galaxy are two of the most well-known galaxies in the universe.

hope this helps i got a 100%😊

To determine which statement is true about the Andromeda galaxy and the Milky Way galaxy, we can begin by researching information about the galaxies. You can find reliable sources such as astronomy textbooks, scientific journals, or reputable websites that specialize in astronomy.

First, search for information about the Andromeda galaxy. Learn about its characteristics, such as its size, distance from Earth, and any unique features or notable facts. Look for information about its composition, shape, and any significant events or interactions with other galaxies.

Next, conduct a similar search for information about the Milky Way galaxy. Find out about its size, distance, composition, structure, and any distinctive attributes or noteworthy phenomena. Understanding the Milky Way's position in the universe and its relationship with other galaxies can provide valuable insights.

After gathering information about both galaxies, you can compare their characteristics and facts. Look for statements that highlight similarities or differences between the Andromeda and Milky Way galaxies. Pay special attention to any connections, interactions, or relationships between the two galaxies that are mentioned in your research.

By analyzing the gathered information, you will be able to determine which statement is true about the Andromeda and Milky Way galaxies.