The distance between Columbia and Greenville is 4.6 inches on a map. If the map scale is 1 inch = 20 miles, what is the actual distance between the towns?


The actual distance between Columbia and Greenville is 92 miles.

To find the actual distance between Columbia and Greenville, we can use the information given about the map scale.

Given: Map scale is 1 inch = 20 miles

The distance on the map is given as 4.6 inches.

To find the actual distance, we need to multiply the distance on the map by the scale factor.

Actual distance = Distance on map x Scale factor

Distance on map = 4.6 inches
Scale factor = 20 miles per inch

Plugging in the values, we get:

Actual distance = 4.6 inches x 20 miles per inch


Actual distance = 92 miles

Therefore, the actual distance between Columbia and Greenville is 92 miles.