Four. Family members are living in a home together in one of them is abusing prescription drugs, according to statistics from the National Institute on drug abuse, who is most likely to be miss using prescription drugs

I bombed this for yall..

1. mark 22yrs old
2. antibiotics
3. if his back pain flares up in a few days, he can still take the pills
4. it is prescribed for sebrinas friend
5. a more addicted drug was added to his labeled drug ingrediant
6. She should talk to her school counselor about her concerns
7. marijuana
8. cannibis
9. it can affect brain development
10. cocaine
11. it will block the transmission of pain signals to her brain.
12. barbiturates
13. benzodiazepines
14. stimulant.
15. hallucinogen
my discord is BigBootyBilly#4720 hmu cus i need friends lol.. im 14 from tx

-_- im tired of homework

The National Institute on Drug Abuse states that the most likely person to be misusing prescription drugs is an adult aged 18-25.




To determine who is most likely to be misusing prescription drugs among the four family members, you would need more information than just the number of family members living in the home together. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) provides statistics and research on drug abuse, but they do not make specific predictions about individual cases.

If you suspect someone in your family is misusing prescription drugs, it is important to look for signs and behaviors that might indicate substance abuse. These signs can include:

1. Drastic changes in behavior or mood swings.
2. Rapid weight loss or gain.
3. Neglecting personal hygiene.
4. Becoming secretive or isolated.
5. Frequent requests for prescriptions or running out of medication too quickly.
6. Financial difficulties or stealing money for drug purchases.
7. Sudden changes in social circle.

If you believe someone in your family may be misusing prescription drugs, it is essential to address the situation calmly and seek professional help. Consulting a healthcare provider or reaching out to a substance abuse helpline can provide guidance on how to intervene and support your family member.