The folk tale “The Wise Old Women” focuses on the idea of depending on someone.

Identify how the farmer depends on the mother and then how the mother depends on the farmer. Analyze this relationship and what qualities these characters have that impact their relationship. Please write 3 paragraphs.

In the folk tale "The Wise Old Women," the farmer and the mother rely on each other in various ways, highlighting the theme of interdependence. First, the farmer depends on the mother for her wisdom and guidance. He seeks her advice on how to handle the unexpected situation of his rice crop being destroyed by a storm, indicating his trust in her knowledge and experience. The mother, being one of the wise old women of the village, offers her insights and provides him with a solution to salvage the situation. This dependence on the mother showcases the farmer's recognition of her expertise and his willingness to seek help when needed.

Conversely, the mother also depends on the farmer for his skills and physical capabilities. As an elderly woman, she may not possess the physical strength required to implement the solution she suggests to the farmer. The mother relies on the farmer's ability to climb trees and harvest fruits to obtain grapevines, which she then uses to replant his rice fields. Her dependence on the farmer's physical abilities demonstrates her acknowledgment of his strength and vitality, which she lacks due to her age. This mutually beneficial relationship between the farmer and the mother emphasizes the significance of different qualities they possess.

Both the farmer and the mother exhibit qualities that contribute to their interdependent relationship. The farmer's openness and humility allow him to seek assistance and accept guidance from the mother. Despite being the one facing a crisis, he acknowledges the mother's wisdom, setting aside any ego and recognizing that he can benefit from her expertise. On the other hand, the mother possesses wisdom and resourcefulness, using her knowledge to come up with a solution for the farmer's predicament. Her wisdom enhances their relationship by providing practical advice and showcasing her role as a crucial source of guidance for the community.

In conclusion, the folk tale "The Wise Old Women" portrays a relationship of interdependence between the farmer and the mother. The farmer depends on the mother for her wisdom, seeking her guidance in times of crisis. In turn, the mother relies on the farmer's physical capabilities to implement her suggested solution. Their interdependence is influenced by the qualities they possess: the farmer's openness and humility and the mother's wisdom and resourcefulness. This relationship highlights the importance of recognizing each other's strengths and seeking cooperation to overcome challenges.