Shawn invites some friends over for pizza and a movie. He makes a small cheese pizza for himself and a large pepperoni pizza for his friends. Shawn uses 0.75 pounds of dough for the cheese pizza and twice as much dough for the pepperoni pizza. How much dough does Shawn use in all?

Write your answer as a whole number or decimal.

Who just answered 1.75? Because I did that and that's wrong

it was 2.25

To find out how much dough Shawn uses in all, we need to add up the amount of dough used for the cheese pizza and the pepperoni pizza.

First, we know that Shawn uses 0.75 pounds of dough for the cheese pizza.

Then, we're told that Shawn uses twice as much dough for the pepperoni pizza compared to the cheese pizza.

To find out how much dough is used for the pepperoni pizza, we can multiply the amount used for the cheese pizza (0.75 pounds) by 2.

0.75 pounds * 2 = 1.5 pounds

So, Shawn uses 1.5 pounds of dough for the pepperoni pizza.

To get the total amount of dough used, we can simply add the amounts used for the cheese and pepperoni pizzas:

0.75 pounds + 1.5 pounds = 2.25 pounds

Therefore, Shawn uses a total of 2.25 pounds of dough in all.
