The table below shows the total number of brake pads produced by machines throughout a 12-hour work day.

What is the unit rate for break pads produced per hour?


3 brake pads per hour

12 brake pads per hour

16 brake pads per hour

4 break pads per hour

To find the unit rate for brake pads produced per hour, you need to divide the total number of brake pads produced by the number of hours worked.

From the information given in the question, the table shows the total number of brake pads produced throughout a 12-hour work day. However, the specific values in the table are not provided for us to make an accurate calculation. Therefore, without the specific values, it is not possible to determine the unit rate for brake pads produced per hour.

In conclusion, with the given information, we cannot determine the correct unit rate for brake pads produced per hour and none of the provided response options can be selected as the answer.