Why is urbanization associated with the industrial revolution?

A.the expansion of family farms refocused the nation on agriculture
B.the concentration of factories in cities brought job opportunities
C.settlers expanded the frontier west of the Mississippi river
D.immigrants settled in large cities and brought cultural diversity

B.the concentration of factories in cities brought job opportunities


I think the answer is correct

B. The concentration of factories in cities brought job opportunities.

The correct answer is B. The concentration of factories in cities brought job opportunities.

During the Industrial Revolution, there was a significant shift from agrarian economies to industrialized production. This was mainly due to advancements in technology and the invention of new machinery. As industrialized production required large-scale factories and specialized machinery, these factories were concentrated in cities, particularly in urban areas.

This concentration of factories created job opportunities and drew people from rural areas to urban areas. The availability of jobs in factories, which required both skilled and unskilled labor, attracted a large influx of people seeking employment.

Furthermore, the urban areas provided better infrastructure such as transportation, housing, and services, which also made urban living more appealing to people looking for better opportunities. As a result, the process of urbanization occurred, with cities growing rapidly as more people migrated to them in search of work.

So, the association between urbanization and the industrial revolution is primarily due to the concentration of factories in cities, which brought job opportunities and attracted people from rural areas.