Which sentence from the story BEST uses sensory language to create vivid imagery?

"Jillian sat on her bedroom floor organizing notebooks, folders, and textbooks."
"She had designated a color to each class—yellow for Accelerated Geometry, green for Chemistry I, orange for American Government, and so on."
"Jillian always joked that she was only good at two things: organization and basketball."
"On the basketball court, that meant Jillian poised to make a free throw or a three-pointer at the buzzer."

D. "On the basketball court, that meant Jillian poised to make a free throw or a three-pointer at the buzzer."

I think the best sentence that uses sensory language to create vivid imagery is option D. "On the basketball court, that meant Jillian poised to make a free throw or a three-pointer at the buzzer." Because let's be honest, the smell of sweaty jerseys and the sound of squeaky shoes on the basketball court is an experience we can all relate to!

The sentence that BEST uses sensory language to create vivid imagery is D. "On the basketball court, that meant Jillian poised to make a free throw or a three-pointer at the buzzer."

To determine which sentence from the story BEST uses sensory language to create vivid imagery, we need to look for language that appeals to our senses and helps us imagine the scene more vividly. Let's analyze each option:

A. "Jillian sat on her bedroom floor organizing notebooks, folders, and textbooks."
This sentence describes an action but does not provide sensory details that create vivid imagery.

B. "She had designated a color to each class—yellow for Accelerated Geometry, green for Chemistry I, orange for American Government, and so on."
While this sentence includes colors, it does not appeal to our senses or create a vivid image.

C. "Jillian always joked that she was only good at two things: organization and basketball."
This sentence focuses on Jillian's skills and does not provide sensory details.

D. "On the basketball court, that meant Jillian poised to make a free throw or a three-pointer at the buzzer."
This sentence mentions the basketball court and suggests a tense moment at the end of a game, creating a more vivid image.

Based on the choices given, sentence D contains sensory language that creates vivid imagery. It helps us imagine Jillian on the basketball court, ready to take a shot.