Can anyone give me ideas for a poem? Three poems is the minimum. You may write more.

*Read all of the instructions*

Place page breaks between poems. Each poem should start at the top of a page.

Each poem needs a title. Place the title in bold at the top of the poem.

The Length of poems can vary, as in Singing With Elephants.

Break up your poem into stanzas. One stanza can consist of one sentence broken up into multiple lines.

Use punctuation in the manner of the book--use dashes when possible! (Poets love dashes--they can extend sentences without the use of periods.)

Use first person narration.

Your poems can be fictional, or they can be non-fictional, or they can be hybrids--it's up to you.

We are writing free verse in the style of Singing With Elephants. Please do not create Dr. Seuss-style rhymes--those are perfectly valid poems, they're just not what we're creating here.

Please create realistic poems about the real world. We are not writing silly or fantastical poems here--we're writing poems in the style of the book.

Your poems can be about anything. This includes, but is not limited to:
your family: parents, siblings, grandparents, cousins, etc.
poetry itself--poets love writing poems about poetry
your Wall of Awful
places you've visited
life in a pandemic

Title: Reflections of Home


In the embrace of my childhood home,
I find solace in familiar corners.
The creaking floor sings of memories,
Echoes of laughter and tears intertwined.
The walls whisper secrets of generations,
Their stories etched in the grain of each wood panel.


A haven of love and unconditional support,
My family, my pillars of strength.
Through the lens of time, I see their faces,
The wrinkles earned from a life well-lived.
Their wisdom flows through my veins,
Guiding me on this winding journey.


The kitchen, the heart of our sanctuary,
Where aromas dance and flavors collide.
In rhythmic harmony, we cook and bond,
Savoring each dish, crafted with love.
Around the table, we share our tales,
Nourishing both body and soul.

Title: Rhythm of Friendship


Together we stand, an unbreakable bond,
Weaving our stories, our lives interwoven.
Friendship's symphony, a melody of trust,
Gentle harmonies that dissolve our fears.
With open hearts, we uplift and inspire,
Nurturing dreams, as companions on this path.


Through trials and triumphs, we remain strong,
Like a chorus, our voices resonate in unity.
In each other's embrace, we find solace,
A sanctuary of understanding and acceptance.
With shared laughter and tears, we grow,
Cultivating friendships that ebb and flow.

Title: A Serenade to Nature


Awakening with the dawn's gentle touch,
Nature's poetry whispers in my ear.
The symphony of birds, their melodic chorus,
Wakes the world from its slumber.
As petals unfurl, kissed by the sun,
Colors burst, vibrant and alive.


The gentle breeze's caress on my skin,
Inspires a dance, graceful and free.
Trees sway in rhythm, their leaves a flutter,
Nature's ballet, a symphony of grace.
And as the river's melody ebbs and flows,
I find solace in nature's harmonious prose.


Under a star-studded sky's velvet embrace,
I lose myself in the vast expanse.
Celestial bodies weave tales ancient and new,
Constellations mapping out destinies untold.
In this cosmic theater, I find wonder,
A reminder of our place in this grand tapestry.