Poems of Passage:

“First Lesson” by Philip Booth (poem)
“On Turning Ten” by Billy Collins (poem)
“Hanging Fire” by Audre Lorde (poem)
Summarize each passage in 3-4 sentences.

- "First Lesson" by Philip Booth is a reflection on the speaker's experience teaching his daughter how to swim. The poem explores the themes of fear, trust, and growth as the speaker witnesses his daughter's transformation from a reluctant learner to a confident swimmer through his patient and supportive guidance. It ultimately emphasizes the importance of facing challenges and overcoming fears in order to experience personal growth.

- "On Turning Ten" by Billy Collins is a nostalgic and reflective poem about the speaker's experience of growing older. The poem explores the bittersweet realization that childhood is coming to an end and the speaker is entering the more complex and challenging world of adulthood. The poem highlights the loss of innocence and the fear of mortality that accompany the transition from childhood to adolescence.

- "Hanging Fire" by Audre Lorde is a powerful and introspective poem that delves into the struggles and anxieties of a fourteen-year-old African-American girl. The poem expresses the speaker's feelings of isolation, insecurity, and desperation as she navigates the challenges of adolescence, including body image issues and a lack of guidance and support. It highlights the need for validation, understanding, and love during this tumultuous time in a young person's life.

"First Lesson" by Philip Booth: The poem explores the relationship between a father and his son as they go fishing together. It highlights the father's efforts to teach his son important life lessons during this bonding activity. The poem touches upon themes of connection, growth, and the passing down of knowledge from one generation to another.

"On Turning Ten" by Billy Collins: This poem reflects on the experience of turning ten years old and the mixed emotions that come with it. It captures the narrator's realization that childhood is fleeting and the anxiety that arises from growing up. It showcases the transition from innocence to a more self-aware and nuanced perspective.

"Hanging Fire" by Audre Lorde: In this poem, the speaker expresses the struggles and uncertainties of teenage life. The poem delves into themes of isolation, frustration, and the desperate longing for guidance and support. It depicts the emotional and psychological turmoil faced by a young person grappling with the challenges of adolescence.