Which analogy shows an analogy of degree?(1 point)

quietly : softly
shoe : high heel
large : gigantic
above : below

Did u find the answer😭😭

large : gigantic :]

The analogy that shows an analogy of degree is "large : gigantic."

To determine which analogy shows an analogy of degree, we need to understand what degree means in this context. In analogies, degree refers to an increase or decrease in intensity, size, or quality of a specific attribute.

Now, let's analyze each analogy to identify the one that represents a degree:

1. "quietly : softly" - This analogy represents a degree because it compares two similar attributes related to sound. While both "quietly" and "softly" represent a lower intensity or volume, "softly" implies a slightly higher degree as it suggests a more gentle and muffled sound compared to "quietly."

2. "shoe : high heel" - This analogy does not represent a degree. It compares a general category (shoe) to a specific type of shoe (high heel), indicating a difference in characteristics rather than degree.

3. "large : gigantic" - This analogy represents a degree as it demonstrates an increase in size. "Large" describes something of significant size, but "gigantic" implies an even greater degree of size, emphasizing something extremely large.

4. "above : below" - This analogy does not represent a degree. It compares the direction in relation to a reference point, indicating a difference in position rather than degree.

Therefore, the analogy that shows an analogy of degree is "large : gigantic."